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Продолжительность mp3: 02:00

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Дата: 2018-02-09

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All that work and what did it get me?
Why did I do it?
Scrapbooks full of me in the background.
Give &39em love and what does it get ya?
What does it get you
One quick look as each of &39em leaves you.
All your life and what does it get ya?
Thanks a lot and out with the garbage,
They take bows and you&39re battin zero

I had a dream
I dreamed it for you, Dad
It wasn&39t for me, Dad
And if it wasn&39t for me then where would you be,
Miss Rachel Berry

Well, someone tell me, when is it my turn
Don&39t I get a dream for myself
Starting now it&39s gonna be my turn.
Gangway, world, get off of my runway
Starting now I bat a thousand&33
This time, boys I&39m taking the bows and

Everything&39s coming up Kurt
Everything&39s coming up Hummel
Everything&39s coming up Kurt
This time for me (ha ha ha ha ha)
For me&33
For me&33
For me&33
For me&33
Fooooor meeeeeee&33